Tuesday, June 7, 2011


It's an interesting subject: Death.

I myself have been blessed to never feel the true pangs of losing someone incredibly close to me effecting my daily life. However, I have been surrounded by sadness in the last couple of months with the passing of my grandmother, my grandfather and a bartender in my restaurant family with whom I encountered very few times.

I'm amazed and very touched by how people truly come together in times of need. The true survivors of death become surrounded by people who love them and love the person who just recently passed. We often times start to reflect on our own lives and how we can stop taking for granted our loved ones and the passing of time.

Feeling humbled, tonight I pray for all the people who are having to live with the absence of their beloveds. I'm squeezing mine a little tighter tonight and making him go to the doctor and get a full physical work up done.

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