Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Right to Vote

Since I've moved, my polls are now an hour away. I felt my cell phone alarm go off, and I thought I need the extra hour of sleep. I shut it off to try and go back to sleep.

I tossed and turned for ten minutes thinking about how voting is a privilege and how I owe it to my nation, my friends and myself to vote.

I forgo my shower and race to the polls only to stand in line for about 40 minutes, but I sat down at that station and cast my ballad. I walked away feeling rather emotional about this election because it's so important to so many people that I know and love dearly. This election will go down in history, and I have pride knowing my part in the movement towards equality. My part in the movement towards a better nation for my friends and for my family.

I'm sitting here in knots thinking about how the polls are going to sway. Is our nation really ready for the necessary change? One can only hope, and I believe.

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