Tuesday, December 4, 2007

House...it's effecting me

Please don't take my silence as a lack of topics. Plenty has happened, but I have desperately clung on to my free time and used it only for House. I used the fact that I need a break as an excuse, but really, I'm just covering up my addiction. I know, it's PATHETIC, but I am getting punished in other ways.

For example -

I went to the grocery store yesterday, and took home three brown bags. (Ugh, did they really have to get rid of plastic, I mean REALLY….) Two were excruciatingly heavy and one was light. The light handle broke.

What does it all mean?

It means that God hates me, and wants me to drag two heavy bags in one hand, while clutching the lightest bag with my other free hand and arm. I'm scrambling for me keys thinking - (so, this is what lighting bolts feel like. Ouch. Ok, yes, I'll get off my lazy ass and work on my homework, house and life. ) I guess it's funny watching someone wince in pain trying to get into their apartment in the rain.

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