Friday, November 30, 2007

It's over

Today is the last day of November, and I have a happy number 30 next to November in my post count. YAY. Celebrate dance.

It's funny, I wrote out a whole list of things I wanted to write about and post, and I did not post one entry in my brainstorm list of topics. How sad. What does that mean? It means that I have a neurological disorder and Dr. Foreman needs to drill a hole into my brain while Dr. House pleads his case in court.

Ha. Ok, so I'm addicted. I can't help it. It's just part of who I am. Is it really that terrible how I stayed up until 1AM to watch, but I am paying for it now because I can barely keep my eyes open. Lucky for me, we are just moving. See you on Monday.


Jonathan Beckett said...

My other half is addicted to House. And CSI. And NCSI. And a few other US shows being imported into blighty at the moment.

I thought about buying the House DVD box set for her for christmas, but they show it over here virtually every night on one channel or another...

jenny said...

i've never watched house - so maybe i shouldn't start because all i need is another show to watch! :)

happy december - no more nablopomo!