Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Thing About Stress -

for me -

is that I keep adding things to the list of things to do instead of checking them off, and the list gets crowded with heaping and heaping piles of things to do. Some of these items include – change the pictures in the frames, organize all the pictures on your computer, optimize your pictures for web, transfer your itunes to your mac, paint the cabinet in the kitchen, hang the pictures in the kitchen, etc. Don’t get me wrong these are all important things to do, but these items get mixed in with: go to the grocery store, do your laundry, memorize your monologue for the biggest audition of your life to date that’s on Saturday, finish scanning the pictures for a freelance project you have been procrastinating on for well - long enough to not be done, and the materials are needed by your client and oh, I don’t know –clean your house so it’s livable? Wait, which list should winter cleaning/organizing go on? Important or not as important? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, retreat-retreat-retreat screams my heart, and my overwhelmed self crawls into bed at 8:45pm, and rocks herself to sleep once she has discovered she is referring to herself in third person!

This really is not way to live, and I usually do OK when I’m busy. I find that I am more motivated to accomplish important tasks that are on deadlines. However, being overwhelmed does not bode well for me, as my brain turns completely into Milkyways. (I figure if my brain is going to be mushy, I might as well pick a sweet and tasty image!)

So, I find myself saying things like, “When do I stop feeling like I have to count my petties?” Instead of saying, “When do I stop feeling like I have to count my pennies?” Oh, and worst of all, I can’t make coffee. TWO DAYS IN A ROW – I have messed this up. This. Is. A. Big. Deal.

Yesterday, I made a pot of boiling water sans the coffee. Laughing at my idiocy, I poured the already boiling water through the pot again, but this time I added the coffee. Well, my brand-new traveling mug didn’t like having twice boiled water in it, but the cup itself could handle it – just not the rubbery bottom that started bubbling up. (sigh)

Then today, I made sure that the coffee pot worked correctly, but I couldn’t get the proportions of sugar and milk correctly in the cup. Oh Lordie, this can’t be a good omen for the day. Please have mercy on me.


MezzoCO said...

UGH I've made coffee like that, myself. no good! hope your week gets less stressful!!!

Jonathan Beckett said...

A long time ago I had to sit through a very boring management training course. The only thing I took from it was the "must", "should", "could" list.

If you have lots of things to do, write them down. Then get another piece of paper, seperate it into three columns - titled must, should and could - and put the things to do into each column.

Only do the "must" things.

Tomorrow you might have some of the "should" stuff in the "must" column.