Monday, January 14, 2008

Another Audition

How anti-climatic these auditions have become, even the auditions that I have mentally prepared for for 365 days and actually...probably more than that. (sigh)

It's pathetic really, when you think about it. I mean TWO MINUTES. I sweat it out for a year for a measly two freakin' minutes.

I did ok. It went by so fast that I can't really tell you what went well and what went horrible. The bart ride home was interesting though, but I'll leave that for another post.

1 comment:

Jonathan Beckett said...

It's crazy really, isn't it - that you can be judged on your performance in such a short space of time.

What if you got out of the wrong side of bed that morning? Or are just having a crappy day?

Makes you realise how much luck there really is involved in the world...