Thursday, December 13, 2007

You Had It Comin'

I took these rusty vocal chops out of the closet the other day to sing for two different auditions.

One audition: I crashed and burned. No, really, crashed and burned. Luckily, I remember from my younger youth – “stop, drop and roll.” I wanted to roll right out of the building. I auditioned for Chicago, which is a pop/belty show, so, I brought in the only belt piece I know well. I Know the Truth from Aida. It’s a great song, IF, the piano player knows it. If he or she doesn’t, you might as well look for the noose in the room. I sang the song, and even after he stopped me and said “Can we start over?” Please read as ( “Please find the noose.”), the second run through of the song emulated a kid with a broken leg running a marathon. It was a crash and burn to the fullest. I finally just said F it, I’m going to sing the song and he might as well just play Mary Had a Little Lamb, or stop playing. Oh, did I tell you that every other auditioners watched the entire process? It’s ok, everyone survived the fire.

Second audition – went much better. I sang for an equity house, 42nd Street Moon. This year, I’d really like to get SOME points. I have no equity points, and this is what I want to do. It’s time to get some points. I sang Moonfall and I sang In My Own Little Corner, but I didn’t tell Pash what I was singing. I can’t even say the words “my own”, “corner” and even “little” with out Pasha singing his rendition of the song WITH THE WRONG WORDS (and he does it just to bug me.) He sings, “In my own little corner, in my own little world.” NO PASH, IT’S NOT WORLD IT’S CHAIR. CHAIR. CHAIR. CHAIR. CHAIR. That audition went ok, I struggled on singing through some phrases because my breath support locked on me. ( I did it…)

Regardless, I did get called back for both shows, (I don’t know why… ) They both took place last night, and both went alright. I thought I did better in the callback for 42nd Street Moon, but I don’t think it’s going to work out. This is unfortunate, but it’s alright. I’m so close, and everyday I get closer.

The callback for Chicago ended up being fun. I got to sing “The Cellblock Tango”, and it would be so incredible awesome to be in that show because I would get to dance!!! I don’t really know how to dance, so, it would be a stretch for me. The director is awesome and an amazing choreographer. Here’s hoping!

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