Monday, August 27, 2007

In my own little corner....

(please sing these lyrics to the tune of "In my Own little Corner from Cinderella")

In my own little cube

I can be how ever I want to be
I can sit here and foster all the anger that I feel
And there’s no one that can do anything for me…

I’m so angry that I’m sitting here not lurking…
I am sad that I can’t see my family.
I am seething that my myspace is not working
And I’m sad I won’t see this cast daily!

I am trapped by this office and my creativeness is gone
And I’m stuck typing all these silly words
Just as long as I stay in my own little corner
All alone in my own little cube…


ashley said...

Umm...ok Debbie Downer.
Can we squeeze a few tears out now?

Beverley Viljoen said...

It's actually Negative Nancy....
and no, i'm tapped out.

ashley said...

I think that may list of words that rhyme with family were way better:
dandily=doing something first-rate like
hammily=doing something cheesily

I like the last one best...I call for a rewrite!

Beverley Viljoen said...

dandily and family....
there is no D sound in family....