Sunday, October 10, 2010

Wedding Week

I have a week off of break and I promised Mr. Simpson that I would spend the entire break (when I'm not doing homework) on wedding stuff.

I'm trying to change my attitude about the wedding. So far It causes me to have these monumental break downs with me convulsing on the floor and Mr. Simpson hovering over me saying, "Are you don't yet?" Planning the event is supposed to be fun, but I'm finding it stressful and just plain awful.

No matter what the choice is - someone's feeling's get hurt and it's a lot of pressure deciding who's feelings will get hurt the least.

1 comment:

Katy said...

Aww! :( If you aren't having fun, try a new tactic. Wedding planning shouldn't make you feel bad. I think it's worth it to take the time to reorganize your thoughts/priorities and plan a wedding that you are excited about. Just think, in a year it'll be over! So now's the time to have fun with your ideas. Try listing a few scenarios and pros and cons of each. Try having you each write down your whole vision of the day. And don't forget, it's YOUR day! You and Mike. It's your chance to put on the biggest production of your life...and you are the STAR! I love you. I miss you. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!