Thursday, July 10, 2008

Meet Squeaks

I’m obsessed with the show. Just two more runs before an audience and I’m starting to let the nerves and anticipation overcome me. I’m drilling my trouble spots in my sleep, and yet it never seems to be enough, but I promised… no show talk next post… tomorrow will be the prep talk post. It’s just I can hardly think about anything else except my angel.

I have a new addition to the Viljoen household party of one now party of two. As you can see from the picture below I am not the good looking one in the family.

She came to my household on July 2nd 2008, and I am so thrilled to have such a treasure in my life. So far she loves to chase her tale, play with her little jingle ball and hang out peacefully in the bathroom. Sometimes she meows when she freaks out, but trips to the vet have been amazing. Being in her travel case has been a plus since she loves LOVES her travel case. She sleeps in it in the bathroom, and she has been quiet in driving in the car. I hope this lasts. I also hopes she does well meeting people. My whole family is coming into town this weekend, so, I am hoping that will give her a chance to socialize her. She’s so special in every way. I love her dearly.

Find more pictures of her here

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