Saturday, September 15, 2007

Don't call me - I'll call you.

Boyfriends should come with references….I’m serious, think about it for a second. I mean we interview for jobs a few times, a background check and then they check references. I think the boyfriend process should be very similar.

You go on lots of dates… (interviews)

Background check – well ugh…this could get ugly….so we’ll skip this step because it’s expensive, and it could…well, you’ll figure out if he’s committed state and federal crimes pretty quick, and if he claims he hasn’t…keep your eyes peeled for “If I Did It” books.

So, now here is the part where you check for references. You just ask for his last three girlfriends phone numbers. This is a brilliant plan because in can assist you in so many different ways.

I mean what if your boyfriend is a total family and non committal FREAK, you’ll find this out from little miss sunshines, and you won’t have to waste three years figuring it out!

What if you’re dating three guys at one time, and you’re worried that you’ll pick the wrong one. Again, you’ll just talk to little miss sunshines, and one of them will assist you.

Yes, most girls are crazy, so you’ll have to put your own crazyness aside for a second and really try and decipher the gold nuggets of information. You’re smart. You can do it.

This way, much less time will be wasted in life.

Boys, please don’t be offended by my post…just know that if your next lady interest asks for your references….you better hope that you have some good ones. ☺

1 comment:

The Urban Food Maven said...

Love the Idea of this, but would not want to talk to exes.
You crack me up Bevs... I love ya.