Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Computer Rehab?

Is there such thing as Computer Rehab because I think that I am addicted to my computer. Let me tell you about a typical day for me....

I wake up....and the first think I think about is my email. I mean seriously...checking my email was the very last thing that I did....is there really going to be a flux of emails sitting in my inbox? I apparently think so because I check it EVERY MORNING. I take a shower, make some coffee and get dressed. Pour myself a cup, and go back to the computer and check the other 4 email accounts. I then get into my car and drive 15 minutes to work.

When I get to work, I check my email...again....doesn't it concern anyone else that in the last 1.5 hours I have checked my email three times?!?!? Then I proceed to spend the next 7-9 hours sitting in front of the computer. Computer computer computer...typing away email, internet, the entire world sitting at my ten fingertips.

I get home from work, put my bag down, and I go to the computer and check my e-mail. I guess for an addict, checking your email from different locations and different computers within 15 minutes makes sense. Then depending on that evenings activty, I will leave the computer. However, if I am stuck at home doing nothing, I am sitting in front of the computer.....like tonight....even the disney channel's original movie is not entertaining me enough to keep me away from the computer. This is starting to concern me. Maybe I should hide my computers? I could ask Pash to come over and hide them. EEEK, but then I could end up like the disaster that is Britney Spears. I would like to keep my kids (my computers), keep my hair, keep my mom and keep wholesome image. So, if there is a computer rehab... I probably should check myself in, and stay longer than one day.

Ok, ok, ok... I should not make fun of others...especially since one all hollywood access episode does not make me an expert. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize publicly to BS. Since I know that BS does nothing but read my blog, please accept my apology...it's the computer....look what it's doing to my life.

1 comment:

Bill Braine said...

Maybe Britney will email you. Quick! Check!